


Parsons, Robert




1546 - 1610


A booke of Christian exercise, appertaining to resolution, that is, shewing how that we should resolue our selues to become Christians indeed: By R.P. Perused, and accompanied nowe with a Treatise tending to pacification, By Edm. Bunny Mehr

A Christian directorie guiding men to their saluation : Deuided into three bookes. The first vvherof apperteining to resolution, is only conteined in this volume, deuided into tvvo partes, and set forth novv againe vvith many corrections, and additions by th'authour him self, vvith reprofe of the corrupt and falsified edition of the same booke lately published by M. Edm. Buny. Ther is added also a methode for the vse of al ; with two tables, and a preface to the reader, which is necessarie to be reade. Mehr

A sermon preached at the funeral of the Right Honourable John Earl of Rochester who died at Woodstock-Park, July 26, 1680, and was buried at Spilsbury in Oxford-shire, Aug. 9 Mehr

The libertine overthrown, or, A mirror for atheists wherein they may clearly see their prodigious follies, vast extravagancies, notorious impieties and absurdities Libertine overthrown Mirror for atheists Mehr


De persecutione Anglicana commentariolus a Collegio Anglicano Romano hoc anno Domini 1582 in urbe editus et iam denuuo Ingolstadii excursus [...] (ONLINE) Mehr

Elisabethae, Angliae Reginae Haeresin Calvinianam Propvgnantis, Saevissimvm in Catholicos sui regni Edictvm: quod in alios quóque Reipublicae Christianae Principes, contumelias continet indignissimas; Promulgatum Londini 29. Nouembris. 1591; Cum responsione ad singula capita [...] Per D. Andream Philopatrum presbyterum [...] Mehr

Ad [Elizabethae Reginae Angliae edictum] Responsio Andreas Philopatrus Mehr

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