


Penn, William




1644 - 1718


Primitive Christianity revived in the faith and practice of the people called Quakers: written, in testimony to the present dispensation of God, through them, to the world, that prejudices may be removed, the simple informed, the well-enclined encouraged, and the truth and its innocent Friends, rightly represented Mehr

A brief account of the rise and progress of the people called Quakers : in which their fundamental principle, doctrines, worship, ministry and discipline are plainly declared to prevent the mistakes and perversions that ignorance and prejudice may make to abuse the credulous Mehr

No cross, no crown, or, Several sober reasons against hat-honour, titular-respects, you to a single person, with the apparel and recreations of the times : being inconsistant with Scripture, reason, and practice, as well of the best heathens, as the holy men and women of all generations, and consequently fantastick, impertinent and sinfull Mehr

The charter of privileges, granted by William Penn, Esq; to the inhabitants of Pensilvania and territories Mehr

A call to Christendom, in an earnest expostulation with her to prepare for the great and notable day of the Lord, that is at the door Mehr

A Tender Visitation in the Love of God, Containing a Plain Testimony to the Ancient and Apostolical Life, Way, and Worship Mehr

A key opening a way to every common understanding : how to discern the difference betwixt the religion professed by the people called Quakers and the perversions, misrepresentations and calumnies of their several adversaries: published in great good will to all, but more especially for their sakes that are actually under prejudice from vulgar abuses Mehr

Some fruits of solitude, in reflections and maxims relating to the conduct of human life Mehr

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