


Boyle, Robert




1627 - 1691


The aerial noctiluca, or, Some new phœnomena, and a process of a factitious self-shining substance, imparted in a letter to a friend living in the country Mehr

Medicinal experiments, or a collection of choice remedies for the most part simple, and easily prepared Mehr

A defence of natural and revealed religion. 4 being an abridgement of the sermons preached at the lecture founded by ... Robert Boyle, ... by Dr. Bentley ... ; in four volumes ; with a general index [Vol. 4] Mehr

A defence of natural and revealed religion. 1 being an abridgement of the sermons preached at the lecture founded by ... Robert Boyle, ... by Dr. Bentley ... ; in four volumes ; with a general index [Vol. 1] Mehr

A defence of natural and revealed religion. 3 being an abridgement of the sermons preached at the lecture founded by ... Robert Boyle, ... by Dr. Bentley ... ; in four volumes ; with a general index [Vol. 3] Mehr

A defence of natural and revealed religion. 2 being an abridgement of the sermons preached at the lecture founded by ... Robert Boyle, ... by Dr. Bentley ... ; in four volumes ; with a general index [Vol. 2] Mehr

Salt-water sweetned, or, A true account of the great advantages of this new invention both by sea and by land together with a full and satisfactory answer to all apparent difficulties. Also the approbation of the Colledge of Physicians. Likewise a letter of the Honourable Robert Boyle to a friend upon the same subject. Mehr

Some motives and incentives to the love of God pathetically discours'd of, in a letter to a friend by the Honorable R.B. Mehr

of the seraphic love Mehr

Of the high veneration man's intellect owes to God, peculiarly for his wisedom and power Mehr

Debita deo ab humano intellectu summa veneratio ob sapientiam præsertim ac potentiam authore nobili Anglo S.R.S (ONLINE) Mehr

Excellentia Theologiae Cvm Natvrali Philosophia (Prout utraque Hominum Studiis objecta proponitur) Comparatae, In Epistolâ ad Amicum datâ, discussa (ONLINE) Mehr

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