Modern history: or, The present state of all nations: Describing their respective situations, persons, habits, buildings, manners, laws and customs, religion and policy, arts and sciences, trades, manufactures and husbandry, plants, animals and minerals [Bd. 1]
Vol. I. Containing the present state of Asia. Wherein are described, the empire of China; the kingdoms of Japan, Tonquin, Cochin China and Siam; the Ladrone and Philippine Islands; the island of Celebes or Macassar; of Banda, Amboyna, and the Molucca's, or Spice-Islands; of Borneo, Java, and Sumatra, with the Nicobar and Andoman Islands; the empire of the Great Mogul, of proper India; the kingdoms of Pegu, Ava, Arracan, Brama, Tipra, Acham, and Boutan; the island of Ceylone, famous for the true cinamon; the Persian Empire; Arabia; Asiatick Tartary, and lastly, the Turkish Empire in Asia, viz Chaldœa, Assyria, Mesopotamia, Armenia Major, Syria, Palestine, or the Holy-Land, and Asia Minor. Illustrated which thirty four curios copper-plates of the most remakable buildings, habits, idols and animals; with ten maps of the several countries described in this volume, accurately drawn, according to the geographical part of this work, By Herman Moll
910 Geography and travel